Category Archives: Network Hacks

Some tricks and idea about how to hack networks

Turn Your Webcam into a Spy Cam for Free

You can now easily monitor your room, office or workplace for activities going on during your absence without having to invest on expensive hidden cameras. If you’ve ever wondered to find a way to turn your PC webcam into a spy camera, here is a simple and effective solution. This can be really handy to monitor your children and pets in home or even catch a cheating spouse red handed! For this, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a webcam attached to it.

If your computer meets the above simple requirements, then you are all set to go. The site called provides a free solution to simply transform your webcam into a powerful spy camera in just a few steps. You can sign-up for a free account and start using the service immediately.

Since UGOlog service runs as a web application from within the browser, there is no need to install any additional software on your computer. That means, when your spouse or children look through the installed programs, they don’t find anything that arouses suspicion.














The following are some of the advantages of using UGOlog service over other software programs or a conventional spy camera:

  • Firstly, the service comes for free, so that you don’t need to buy anything to start with.
  • Unlike software programs such as “Webcam Monitor” which is complicated to configure and lacks stealth operation, UGOlog needs no installation and is simple to setup.
  • UGOlog comes with powerful features such as as motion detection, email alerts, and interval snapshots.
  • You have the option to view the camera remotely from anywhere just by logging into your UGOlog account.


Once you’ve created your account, you can take up a quick tour and browse through the configuration guide to begin using the service. The free version of UGOlog limits the service for only 1 webcam and 50 MB of storage space. If you wish to setup more than one camera and need additional space for recording more videos, you can easily switch for paid plans as per your convenience.

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Posted by on April 13, 2013 in Network Hacks, Some common Info


Network Security Audit – The Benefits

Network security audit, also known as network security assessment, refers to the process of determining the security shortcomings on your network. The process is critical for a business because sensitive or critical information on a network cannot be adequately protected if you do not know what type of vulnerabilities or security holes exist on the network.

Security auditing and assessing of your network is not a one-time event. Security assessments should be ongoing because networks are constantly changing as new devices are added, configurations are changed, and software is updated. With any type of security assessment, the network layout must first be determined. The network security audit must accurately determine the extent or topology of your business network. This is includes the type of devices, the operating system in use on the devices, and what updates that have been applied. Also, you must determine what the critical information assets are and where they are located on the network.

Without this information, a network security audit is of little value because you cannot be sure to have completed a security assessment of the whole network or that you have evaluated the most critical components of the network where the most sensitive information is stored and accessed. Of course, there is much more to performing a network security audit, but these few elements are essential to make a proper evaluation of your corporate network’s security.

Benefits of Network Security Audits

Network security audits help identify vulnerabilities on your network and network devices including:

  1. Running services – Any service that is running on a network device can be used to attack a system. A solid network security audit would help you identify all services and turn off any unnecessary services.
  2. Open ports – A network security audit will help you identify all open ports on network devices and, just like running services, all unneeded ports should be closed to eliminate the possibility of being used to attack a network device.
  3. Open Shares – Any open share can be exploited and should not be used unless there is some essential business purpose for it.
  4. Passwords – Assessments/audits should evaluate the enterprise password policy and ensure that the passwords used on the network devices meet the business password policy of password strength, frequent change, and other requirements.
  5. User Accounts – During the audit, you must determine which user accounts are no longer being used so they can be removed or disabled. Unused user accounts allow for someone from inside or outside the network to attack and take over the account or may be an indication of a successful attack of the network.
  6. Unapproved Devices – Unapproved or unknown devices such as iPods, Smart Phones and Wireless Access Points installed on your network must be detected in an audit. Any or all of these, as well as other devices, can be used to attack the network or steal data off the network.
  7. Applications – The type of applications being used on a system should be identified during this process. If any dangerous applications are found running on a system, they should be removed. Also look for software programs that run automatically because they can be an indicator of a malware infection.

Security audits should be done on an ongoing basis. Without recurring security audits or assessments, these new vulnerabilities may not be discovered and patched to keep the computer system secure. Also, such audits should not be done manually because if administrators fail to apply certain scans, vulnerabilities in the operating systems or in installed applications can be exploited.

Using vulnerability scanners makes the task of a security audits or assessments much easier and safer. These tools automate part of the process and allow administrators to analyze the results and determine what issues should be addressed first and in which priority the other security issues should be handled.

By identifying these types of vulnerabilities on an ongoing basis, you will be adding an extra layer of protection to your network. Because network security applications and services are constantly being updated, it is of great importance to apply one of the latest security scanners and use it on an ongoing basis, together with the expertise of knowledgeable security staff to evaluate the status of your network security.

About The Author

This guest post was provided by Sean McCreary on behalf of GFI Software Ltd. GFI is a leading software developer that provides a single source for network administrators to address their network security, content security and messaging needs. More information: GFI network auditing software

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Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Network Hacks


How to Hack an Ethernet ADSL Router

Almost half of the Internet users across the globe use ADSL routers/modems to connect to the Internet however, most of them are unaware of the fact that it has a serious vulnerability which can easily be exploited even by a noob hacker just like you. In this post I will show you how to exploit a common vulnerability that lies in most ADSL routers so as to gain complete access to the router settings and ISP login details.

Every router comes with a username and password using which it is possible to gain access to the router settings and configure the device. The vulnerability actually lies in theDefault username and password that comes with the factory settings. Usually the routers come preconfigured from the Internet Service provider and hence the users do not bother to change the password later. This makes it possible for the attackers to gain unauthorized access and modify the router settings using a common set of default usernames and passwords. Here is how you can do it.

Before you proceed, you need the following tool in the process

Angry IP Scanner

Here is a detailed information on how to exploit the vulnerability of an ADSL router.

Step-1: Go to Once the page is loaded you will find your IP address. Note it down.

Step-2: Open Angry IP Scanner, here you will see an option called IP Range: where you need to enter the range of IP address to scan for.

Suppose your IP is, you can set the range something as117.192.194.0 to so that there exists atleast 200-300 IP addresses in the range.

Step-3: Go to Tools->Preferences and select the Ports tab. Under Port selectionenter 80 (we need to scan for port 80). Now switch to the Display tab, select the option “Hosts with open ports only” and click on OK.

I have used Angry IP Scanner v3.0 beta-4. If you are using a different version, you need to Go to Options instead of Tools

Step-4: Now click on Start. After a few minutes, the IP scanner will show a list of IPs with Port 80 open as shown in the below image.

Step-5: Now copy any of the IP from the list, paste it in your browser’s address bar and hit enter. A window will popup asking for username and password. Since most users do not change the passwords, it should most likely work with the default username and password. For most routers the default username-password pair will be admin-admin or admin-password.

Just enter the username-password as specified above and hit enter. If you are lucky you should gain access to the router settings page where you can modify any of the router settings. The settings page can vary from router to router. A sample router settings page is shown below.

If you do not succeed to gain access, select another IP from the list and repeat the step-5. Atleast 1 out of 5 IPs will have a default password and hence you will surely be able to gain access.

What can an Attacker do by Gaining Access to the Router Settings?

By gaining access to the router settings, it is possible for an attacker to modify any of the router settings which results in the malfunction of the router. As a result the target user’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet. In the worst case the attacker can copy the ISP login details from the router to steal the Internet connection or play any kind of prank with the router settings. So the victim has to reconfigure the router in order to bring it back to action.

The Verdict:

If you are using an ADSL router to connect to the Internet, it is highly recommended that you immediately change your password to prevent any such attacks in the future. Who knows, you may be the next victim of such an attack.

Since the configuration varies from router to router, you need to contact your ISP for details on how to change the password for your model.


All the information provided in this post are for educational purposes only. Please do not use this information for illegal purposes.

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Posted by on March 31, 2011 in Network Hacks


Man In The Middle Attack – SSL Hacking

One of the most successful way of gaining information such as passwords,user ids etc in LAN (localarea network) is through man in the middle attacks . I will not be going to deep into Man in the middle attacks, but in simple words it can be explained as attacker or a hacker listening to all the information sent in between the client and the server .To prevent these kind of attacks Email providers started using Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSecure (HTTPS) It is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) with SSL (Secure socket layer )protocol to provide encrypted communication between the client and the server .So when a hacker caries out a Mimt attack the victim is cautioned with a invalid SSL Certificate

In this tutorial I will teach how to carry out a successful Mitm attack

Concept :-

We Know that HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol )simply sends all the information through plain text .So if we make the victim use HTTP instead of HTTPS to connect sites like Gmail , Pay pal. we will be able to carry out a successful Mitm attack with out causing any suspicion To do this we are going to use a tool called SSL strip

Read More: What is SSL(Secure Socket Layer)

Thing we Need

1. SSL strip: You can search Google for SSL strip it comes both in windows and Linux versions . I will be using the windows version in this tutorial

2. Ettercap to carry out mitm attacks

Demonstration :-

1. Open SSL strip and fill in all the required information for arpsoof, network ,ssl strip, change data .If you don’t know what to enter simply click auto check . remember to check if HTTPS to HTTP is included in Change data , finally click ok

2. Now select the victim’s IP and click open

3. Now open ettercap go to sniff -unsniffed sniffing and select your network interface and click ok

4. Now select hosts-scan hosts .Once scanning is completed .Open host list from hosts tab .Now select the IP address of the router as target 1 and the victims IP as target 2

5. Now select mitm-arp poisoning and click ok as shown

6. Finally select start-start sniffing .Now when the victim logs into gmail he will be using HTTPand not HTTPS Hence we are able to get the User id ,passwords as shown below

Counter measures:

1. whenever you perform an online transaction such as Credit card payment, Bank login or Email login always ensure that you Use HTTPS

2. Always check the SSL certificate before doing an online transaction

About The Author

This article is writen by John Jeffery, He is the owner of Hackholic where he writes securityrelated stuffs, If you are interested in writting a guest post on RHA, Kindly read the guidelineshere

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Posted by on March 28, 2011 in Network Hacks